Livestock Studies
2024, Vol 64, Num, 2 (Pages: 046-050)
The Effects of Biscuit on Fermentation Characteristics, Aerobic Stability and In Vitro Organic Matter Digestibility of Alfalfa Silage
2 Aksaray University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Animal Nutrition and Nutritional Disease, Aksaray, Türkiye
3 Harran University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Zootecnichs, Şanlıurfa, Türkiye DOI : 10.46897/livestockstudies.1534399 - This study was conducted to determine the effects of addition of expired biscuit to alfalfa silage on silage quality, fermentation characteristics, aerobic stability and in vitro organic matter digestion. In the study, the silage group without additives constituted the control group, while the silages prepared by adding 1% biscuit, 2% biscuit and 4% biscuit constituted the experimental groups. Silages were opened after 70 days ensiling. There were significant differences among groups for dry matter (DM), ash, crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), pH, carbon dioxide (CO2) formation, in vitro organic matter digestion (IVOMD), metabolizable energy (ME) and in vitro methane gas (CH4) values of silages. The silage pH range of all silage groups was 5.12-5.82. When the CO2 formation amounts of the silage groups were compared with the control group silages, it was determined that the amount of CO2 released in the silages with increasing amounts of biscuits decreased (P<0.05) and IVOMD, ME and CH4 values increased (P<0.05). As a result, biscuits past their expiration date can be used as a silage additive in the ensiling of alfalfa. It was determined that it was appropriate to add 4% of expired biscuit waste in the ensiling of alfalfa. Keywords : Alfalfa Biscuit Digestibility Methane production Silage