Livestock Studies
2022, Vol 62, Num, 2 (Pages: 065-073)
Develeopment of Sensory Organs and Its Effects on Growth in Chicks
2 Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies, Ankara, Türkiye DOI : 10.46897/livestockstudies.1162123 - Recently, alterations in poultry farming have been much more than other branches of agriculture. This case also achieves a great deal of success in terms of efficiency. Increasing productivity in broiler production is one of the most important issue and researches are increasing day by day. Both during incubation and after hatching, applications are aimed at increasing productivity, growth and development. In this study, the development of sensory organs in chicks and the effects of the applications through sensory organs are emphasized. Especially in recent years, studies on odor, colour and light have been increasing. In the chick sex posed to some applications during incubation, the effects of these applications after hatching have been observed in most studies. To increase these effects positively, more intensive research should be conducted and positive developments should be recorded in broiler production. Broiler development and growth occurs with feed consumption. The earlier the chicks are fed and the more feed is eaten during growth, the more production occurs at slaughter age. For this reason, the importance of the senses in terms of their effect on the feeding behavior is discussed in this study. Keywords : Broiler Productivity Sense organs Odor Colour