Livestock Studies
2021, Vol 61, Num, 2 (Pages: 055-059)
Examination of Blood Cortisol and Some Parameters at Parturition and On 30th Day Postpartum In Single and Twin - Pregnant Ewes
Neffel Kürşat Akbulut 1 ,Halil Harman 1 ,Yavuz Kal 1 ,Mesut Kirbas 1
1 Bahri Dağdaş International Agricultural Research Institute Karatay, Konya, TURKEY
Lambs gain about 70 % of their birth weight in the last 6 weeks of pregnancy. In this period, many
physiological events occur in ewe metabolism. The increase in the number of fetuses also affects
these events. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of single and twin pregnancy on
serum cortisol, glucose, triglyceride, HDL-cholesterol, total protein, total cholesterol, calcium
and phosphorus levels at birth and postpartum days. This study was conducted on 2 - 3 aged
single (n = 11) and twin (n = 8) pregnant Anatolian Merino ewes which housed the Department
of Animal Breeding and Animal Production of Konya Bahri Dağdaş International Agricultural
Research Institute in Turkey. Blood samples were collected from the jugular vein immediately
after parturition and on 30th day postpartum in single and twin pregnant ewes. According to the
data obtained, the differences between single and twin pregnant ewes of serum cortisol and
phosphorus values at parturition were found statistically significant. The differences between
parturition and 30th day postpartum were found statistically significant for the cortisol and
glucose values in single pregnant ewes. The differences between the parturition and 30th day
postpartum for glucose, triglyceride and phosphorus values were found statistically significant
in twin pregnant ewes. In conclusion, it can be said that cortisol and some blood parameters in
ewes are affected by pregnancy and the number of fetuses.
Keywords :
Postpartum Blood parameters Cortisol Ewe Parturition