Livestock Studies
2020, Vol 60, Num, 1 (Pages: 001-004)
Comparison of fattening performance of Angus, Charolais, Limousine and Simmental cattle imported to Turkey
2 University of Kırıkkale, Departmant of Husbandry, Yahşihan, Kırıkkale, Turkey
3 University of Kırıkkale, Departmant of Animal Nutrition and Nutritional Disease, Yahşihan, Kırıkkale, Turkey
4 Kargı Construction and Livestock, Kargı, Çorum, Turkey DOI : 10.46897/lahaed.779712 - The purpose of this study was to compare the fattening performance of some cattle breeds under same care and feeding condition, which were imported to a private farm in Turkey. Approximately eight months old male Angus (AN) (n=12), Charolais (CH) (n=33), Limousine (LM) (n=40) and Simmental (SM) (n=9) breeds were imported from Ireland to a private farm in Çorum. Least squares means for AN, CH, LM and SM, respectively, for the elapsed time (ET) of the breeds from the beginning of feeding until slaughter were 181.42±8.07, 181.30±4.87, 186.15±4.42, and 194.78±9.32 days; for the initial live weights (IW) at the beginning of fattening period were 404.42±11.26, 418.70±6.79, 389.00±6.17 and 430.56±13.00 kg; for the live weights (LWS) at the time of slaughter were 616.78±14.29, 625.64±8.80, 636.00±8.13 ve 631.97±16.84 kg; for the average daily live weight gains (ADLWG) were 1.17±0.06, 1.23±0.04, 1.23±0.03 and 1.16±0.07 kg; for the hot carcass weights (HCW) were 355.45±10.20, 362.76±6.28, 385.15±5.80 and 368.98±12.02 kg; for the dressing percentages (DP) of the breeds were 57.47±0.95, 58.09±0.58, 60.64±0.54 ve 58.48±1.12 %. Mean consumption of DM, OM, NDF, ADF and CP were 11.43, 11.18, 5.03, 2.63 and 1.55 kg. ET (p=0.643), LWS (p=0.653), ADLWG (p=0.600), FE (p=0.871) and HCW (p=0.389) were not statistically different whereas IW (p=0.003) and DP (p=0.005) were statistically different for the breeds. The IW of Limousine was lower than Charolais (p=0.009) and Simmental (p=0.025) whereas Limousine had better performance for the DP than did Angus (p=0.027) and Charolais (p=0.014). Keywords : Angus, Charolais, Limousine, Simmental, dressing percentage, fattening performance