Livestock Studies
2015, Vol 55, Num, 1 (Pages: 001-006)
Correlation between the cell number and diameter of in vitro produced bovine blastocysts
Uğur ŞEN 1
1 Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarımsal Biyoteknoloji Bölümü, Kırşehir
Cell numbers of in vitro produced blastocysts is an importance indicator of quality and viability of blastocysts. This study was conducted to determine the correlation between the cell number and the diameter of in vitro produced bovine blastocysts. Oocytes obtained from bovine ovaries were matured in tissue culture medium (TCM-199) supplemented with 10% FCS for 22 hours in 95% humidified air with 5% CO2 at 38.5°C and fertilized in modified Tyrode`s albumin lactate pyruvate fertilization medium for 22 hours at similar environmental conditions. The putative zygotes were cultured in SOFaa for 7 days in 95% humidified atmosphere with, 5% CO2 and 5% O2 at 38.5°C. At the end of the culture period, average diameter and inner cell mass, trophectoderm and total cell number of blastocysts (n=45) were187.1 ± 5.4 μm, 33.2 ± 0.9, 59.1 ± 2.2 and 92.3 ± 2.1, respectively. Although there was no significant correlation between diameter and inner cell mass cell numbers of blastocysts, a significant correlation have determined between diameter, trophectoderm and total cell number of blastocysts (P<0.01). Additionally there was no significant correlation between trophectoderm and inner cell mass cell numbers of blastocysts, but there was a significant correlation between total and trophectoderm cell numbers (P<0.01) and total and inner cell mass cell numbers (P<0.05) of blastocysts. The results of present study show that highly correlation between diameter and cell number of in vitro produced blastocysts. Therefore, determination of blastocysts diameter may be used as a tool for evaluation of blastosist quality.
Keywords :
Bovine, In vitro, Embryo, Cell number, Diameter of blastocysts