Livestock Studies
1975, Vol 15, Num, 1-2 (Pages: 022-034)
The growth rate and the characteristics of the carcass in Merino and Ile de France x Merino cross of yearling male
Purebred genotypic groups fed on the same amount of ration gained more body weight as compared to crossbred groups. Daily body weight increases on KO, KB, KBM and KOM groups were found to be 203.47, 198.67, 179.06 and 179.05 gr respectively. The cost per kg of body weight of KO, KB, KBM and KOM was figured out as 8.53, 8.59, 9.44 and 9.46 TL respectively.
Based on their carcass yield and MLD (loin eye area) the KOM genotypic groups were more better than the other groups. The KBM genotiypic groups were ranked second. Considering these characteristics one can conclude that the crossbred genotypic groups on lot feeding had a higher carcass yield.
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