Livestock Studies 1977, Vol 17, Num, 3-4     (Pages: 083-090)

The effect of radiation on the histological and physical characteristics of wool and mohair


- The study was carried out for examining the effects of radiation on wool and mohair. The wool and mohair samples obtained from the same animal have been washed and cleaned. One group of the samples was used as a control. The other groups were subjected to a radiation of 0.325, 0.75, 1.02, 1.9, 2.75 and 8.3 M rad, respectively. The mohair samples were subjected to 0,75, 1.02, 1.9, 2.75 and 8.3 M rad radiation. The characteristics of fiber elasticity and strength were analyzed the ortho and para cortex area were studied.

The results and the statistical evaluation are shown in the tables. As a conclusion because of the effect of radiation on keratin, perhaps on amino acids which constitute the structure of wool and mohair, the elasticity and strenght of fibers were affected negatively. Keywords :