The table for machine reading of clean fleece weight of wool which was developed by neale did not give accurate results in case of mohair. There fore, a new table for machine reading of clean weight of mohair vide table 3 is developed. This table is based on a regression of – 110.7 gr on clean mohair for each inch of machine reading of 85.0 or less, of – 77.5 gr per inch from 85.0 to 100.0 inches and – 63.0 gr from 100.0 to 115.0 inches vide table 2.
Correlation coefficient between actual clean mohair weight and estimated clean mohair weight according to the new table are given in the table 4. A comparision of the results obtained in the two different methods have also been made in the same table.
The results obtained from this research clearly shows that the new table adapted for estimating clean mohair fleece weight with the help of the squeeze machine can be used with more accuracy than the table developed by Neale for machine reading of clean fleece weight of wool.
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