Livestock Studies
1995, Vol 35, Num, 1-2 (Pages: 079-086)
İntrauterin and İntracervical İnsemination Studies on Angora Goats, Using Frozen Bucks Semen
2 Vet. Hek., Lalahan Hayvancılık Araştırma Enstitüsü - İn this study intrauterin (1) and intracervical (2) inseminations were compaired in Angora Goats, using frozen bucks semen. Non-return rates after ftrst insemination in treatment and control groups were 73.6 and 52.5 % respectively (P>0.05). Kidding rates in same groups were 36.8 and 10.5 respectively (P<0.05).
AAS a result; it is possible to tncrease of pregnancy rates, using frozen semen, by intrauterin technique in research institutes.
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