The Mohair Characteristics and Yield of Angora Goats at Different Age
2 Tarımsal Araştırmalar Genel Müdürlüğü, ANKARA - This study was carried out to determine the mohair charactertstics and yields of Angora Goats at different ages at the Lalahan Animal Research İnstitute. A total of 826 male and female Angora Goats were used in thes expertment.
The animals were grouped accordlng to the sex and age. The mohair yields were determined after shering of the Goats, and the mohair samples for the examination were taken form the HİP region.
The average mohair yields of 1- 7 years old female goats were found to be as 1.63, 2.94, 3.09, 3.15, 3.23, 3.34 and 3.15 kg; 1 - 4 years old male goats 1.67, 3.13, 3.60 and 4.78 kg; fineness of mohair 30.57, 34.06, 35.63, 36.82, 37.30, 37.70 and 37.62 rnicron and male goats 30.64, 35.14, 38.00 and 38.21 micron respectively. Mohair characteristics were arrenged in different tables such as kempy and medullated fibre percentages, stable lenghts. ondulations elasticity percentages and resistance.
The best quality mohair was obtained from 1 year-old goats. n order to obtain betler quality mohair, aged animals should be culled from the herd.
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