Efficient Use of Straw Treated With Chemicals: 1. The Effect on the digestibility of Nutrient and Ruminal Fermantation
2 Fırat Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi, ELAZIĞ
3 T.K.B., Lalahan Hayvancılık Araştırma Enst. Müdürlüğü, 06852-Lalahan/ ANKARA
4 Fırat Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, ELAZIĞ
5 TAEK, Lalahan Hayvan Sağlığı Nükleer Araşt. Enstitüsü, 06852-Lalahan/ ANKARA
6 T.K.B., Lalahan Hayvancılık Araştırma Enst. Müdürlüğü, 06852-Lalahan/ ANKARA - İn this studyı the effecets of rations1 which were prepared by treated straw with HCl (20 % HCl), HCl + Urea (20 % HCl + 4 % Urea) and Urea (4 %) on the digestibility of crude feedstuff, dry matter intake1 ruminal fermentation and microbial protein synthesis capability were investigated in classical experimental design using four Merinos rams.
Nutrient digestibility increased in all treated groups especially crude fibre and cell wall components (P<0.05) but varied according to rate of straw in the ration and method of treatment. Dry matter intake in the respective groups was not found to be significant (P>0.05). The average pH values of ruminal liquid were found in normallimits in all treated groups and the difference between the groups was not significant (P>0.05). n the total buffer capacity and NH3-N similar situations were observed. The amount of nitrogen which was kept in the body was found higher in the groups treated with HCl and HCl + Urea (P<0.001). Changes in daily amount of microbial nitrogen reaching the intestine were observed according to treating method. The amount of total volatile fatty acids (P<0.01), and acetic acid were higher in the groups fed with treated straw (P<0.05).
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