Livestock Studies
2009, Vol 49, Num, 2 (Pages: 125-135)
Using Canola Forage as Roughage Source in Ruminant Nutrition
Ünal KILIÇ 1
1 Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Zootekni Bölümü, 55139 Samsun
Canola products which are mentioned frequently recently due to its contribution to the biodiesel
production are considered as an important source for meeting the roughage needs especially in winter. Hays,
silages, stovers, straws and stubbles of canola are used as roughage source in ruminant nutrition. Canola products
are recommended primarily for use in cow nutrition as sheep are more sensitive to the canola products compared
to cows. Feeding canola hay and silage are more reliable compared to grazing and, if possible, silage should be
preferred. However, canola products should be tested in terms of nutrient contents and also antinutritionel
contents such as nitrates and sulfurs in order to prevent probable problems which can be seen in ruminants.
Canola roughage should be used with other roughages, not singly, in ration. Furthermore, it should not be given
above 40% of ration dry matter, should not be given to hungry cows and also it should be avoid of sudden feed
Keywords :
Forage, Canola, Ruminant, Silage, Hay