Livestock Studies
2008, Vol 48, Num, 1 (Pages: 035-043)
Some reproduction characteristics in Angora Goats
Halil EROL 1 ,Ali BİLGEN 1 ,Serpil SARIÖZKAN 1
1 Lalahan Hayvancılık Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü
In this study some of reproduction characteristics in different ages of Angora goats were investigated. Data were
collected from Angora goat flock reared at Lalahan Livestock Research Institute. The research was conducted between 2001
and 2007 years. The effects of some factors on oestrous cycle, gestation period, body weight before mating, body weight
after kidding were also investigated and least squares means were estimated. Age groups were 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5+ in
mating period and 2, 3, 4, 5, 6+ in kidding period. The results for age groups were 91.6, 99.1, 98.4, 95.0, 98.6 % for oestrous
rate; 71.0, 77.1, 85.6, 81.8, 77.4 % for kidding rate respectively. The least squares means for age groups were 18.76±0.396,
19.74±0.416, 19.76±0.440, 19.38±0.503, 18.73±0.547 days (P>0.05) for oestrous cycle; 147.7±0.22, 148.3±0.21, 147.8±0.22,
148.2±0.24, 148.7±0.25 days (P<0.05) for gestation period; 28.6±0.33, 34.7±0.33, 37.6±0.35, 40.4±0.39, 42.0±0.41 kg
(P<0.001) for body weight before mating; 32.1±0.38, 38.8±0.39, 41.5±0.42, 44.9±0.46, 45.8±0.49 kg (P<0.001) for body
weight after kidding, respectively. The effect of age on gestation period, body weight before mating, body weight after
shearing were statistically significant, but not significant on oestrous cycle. Body weight before mating and body weight
after shearing increased with age.
Keywords :
Angora goat, oestrous rate, kidding rate, gestation period, live weigh