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Livestock Studies is indexed in ULAKBIM (Turkish National Academic Network and Information Center), FAO AGRIS, CAB Abstract, CABI Full Text, Animal Breeding Abstracts and Google Scholar databases.

About Reviews: "Only inveted reviews will be considered for publication. Authors wishing the publish a review article should seek prior approval from Editor-in-Chief."
Livestock Studies
Selected Articles
Comparison of fattening performance of Angus, Charolais, Limousine and Simmental cattle imported to TurkeyHasan Hüseyin Şenyüz | Serkan Erat | Mehmet Akif Karslı | İsmail Soydemir
Recommended sheep husbandry model and body weights of Morkaraman lambs in Muş provinceTurgut Aygün | Hasan Çelikyürek
The number of false mounting affects the quality of semen in bullsDerya Şahin | İlktan Baştan | Beste Çil | Koray Tekin | Ergün Akçay | Ali Daşkın | Calogero Stelletta
Effect of diet protein and energy levels on serum biochemical profile of fatty tailed sheepNecdet İlker İçil | Esad Sami Polat | Behiç Coşkun
A comparative forecasting approach to forecast animal production: A case of TurkeyMuhammed Ordu | Yusuf Zengin
Effects of different lambing season on some reproductive characteristics of ewes and growth performance of lambs in Awassi sheepSabri Gül | Mahmut Keskin | Osman Biçer | Zühal Gündüz | Sedat Behrem
Investigation of lavender foal syndrome in Turkish Arabian horses in Eskisehir regionMuhammet Kaya | Tuğba Yıldız | Elif Günvar | Metin Taş
Some morphological and physiological characteristics of South Karaman Sheep: I- Morphological features, body measurements and live weightsDilek Tüney Bebek | Mahmut Keskin
The effect of two different stocking density in broiler chicken on fattening performance, mortality rate and foot pad dermatitisBülent Teke | Mustafa Uğurlu | Filiz Akdağ
The Ultrasonographic Evaluation of Ovarian Function and The Effects of PRID Implementation on Fertility Parameters in Dairy Cattle without Postpartum Reproductive ProblemsGaye BULUT
Effects of erythropoietin addition to in vitro embryo culture mediums, on oxidative stress and embryo developmentMuharrem Satılmış | Ali Bilgili
The effects of adding inactive yeast culture (Saccharomyces Cerevisiae) to rations prepared with different quality roughages on fattening performance, nutrient digestibility, some rumen parameters and carcass yield in lambsDuygu Budak | Aydan Yılmaz
Use of multiple regression modeling for the evaluation of lactation characteristics of Awassi sheepİrfan Güngör | Fatih Atasoy
Importance of single cell proteins in terms of animal nutrition and possibilities of use in rationBetül Çelik